Dhafir D. Dalaly - President:Our financial institution was established with the primary goal of providing a wide selection of financial products and professional services which expeditiously assist borrowers with transactions in excess of One Hundred Million Dollars.
Since we are a private financial institution and our primary function is lending, our loan programs have been designed with greater flexibility than available from more structured and discriminatory public commercial banking institutions. Our unique corporate structure and professional staff attempt to respond within 24-48 hours from the receipt of an executive summary or the initial loan request with a Letter of Interest in the transaction, if the initial summary demonstrates financial success and feasibility.
A letter of Commitment provides loan parameters, and details additional due diligence requirements. We have designed our commercial and business loan requirements and programs for faster loan processing and closing dates by avoiding the myriad of executive levels.
A network of hundreds of independent agents worldwide act as conduits for submission and processing of financial transactions including Commercial Real Estate (Office Buildings, Shopping Center, Apartments, etc.) Major Infrastructure, Utilities, Power Plants, Residential Land Development, Golf Courses and other Recreational Projects, Capital Equipment Financing and Leasing, Asset Based Loans and Working Capital and many others including those listed below. We are interested in economically feasible projects with adequate collateral or credit enhancements, some identified below, which may limit the risk of loss of our investors substantial wealth.
The principal goal of our institution is to provide debt financing for quality projects worldwide with experienced borrowers subject to satisfactory documentation, proper guarantees, acceptance of our procedure and completion of due diligence. Our institutional funding coupled with our correspondent banking and private investor resources have allowed our institution to arrange and engage in numerous domestic and international investments projects which exceeds billions of dollars.